September 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Hello again and thanks for visiting.  Even though it’s early September we still have some hot weather ahead, especially if you’re in the South.  The summer was so hot I didn’t even bother to attempt a vegetable garden.  According to some friends of mine who live in the Garden State of New Jersey, the only thing that made it through the heat was the corn.  Nothing like a good, buttery corn on the cob.  I don’t know about you, but when the temperature is about to burst the thermometer, I don’t feel too much like cooking so I will share some easy recipes besides digging into a carton of ice cream!

Kids are going back to school, and I am sure there are mothers and fathers out there doing cartwheels!  The past two years have been a big challenge for most families, between figuring out how to work from home, and school your kids.  Talk about a juggling act.  Maybe this will be the beginning of things getting back to normal once and for all.

The cats are still running my life and I am very happy about it, and so is Harvey.  He thinks they belong to him.  If you don’t have a pet you don’t know what you’re missing.  I’m serious.  There have been dozens of studies from accredited health organizations stating that interacting with an animal has shown to decrease levels of cortisol, a stress related hormone.  That helps to lower your blood pressure.  They also found animals help lower anxiety levels.  Of course, they provide companionship and help to structure your day.  You ain’t kidding.  My fur family bosses me around all day long.

On to book news.  Secrets, book two in the Lost and Found Series just hit the shelves and is already a USA TODAY Best Seller.  So thank you to all my fans who bought it and read it.  I was very pleased to see how many people are enjoying the escapades of the characters.  The third novel Liar! will be out next year.

This month’s contest is for an assortment of six of some of my favorites including Hidden (book  one in the Lost and Found series), and Secrets.

Stay well, healthy, and strong!

All the best,
Fern Michaels

August 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well. Here we are in the “Dog Days” of summer thinking about pooches panting in the heat and searching for some shade. But the true origin of the term comes from astronomy. If you look closely at the night sky, you may notice one star is brighter than the rest. That’s Sirius, The Dog Star, part of the constellation Canis Major, meaning “Big Dog.” This year it will be visible until August 11th. You should be able to see it without a telescope but if you have one enjoy the magnificent sparkling display.

Yes, the cats are on a hooligan rampage again. I think they’ve broken everything possible in the house.  I shrug. It’s just stuff. So, here’s a tip: if you ever adopt young cats lock everything up that has any value, although I think Miz Boo can pick locks. I think she’s been watching Tick Tock videos with Tessie. Speaking of Tessie (Miz Boo’s Mommy), she is quite talented. She can turn the TV on, and if it’s a show she likes she’ll leave it, but if not, she’ll turn it off. She still hasn’t mastered changing the channel. Yet. She also knows how to turn on the water but hasn’t been able to figure out how to turn it off. It’s a learning curve. I’ve also discovered her favorite beverage is ginger ale. And she must drink it from a straw. We’re trying to figure out how to do a blind taste-test. I’ll let you know how that turns out.

My pillows are no longer my own. Harvey sleeps on one, and Boo sleeps on the other. She is sweet as honey with 3 legs, a club foot, one orange eye and one yellow eye. She’s quite a site but she’s my little baby. I know I mentioned Winnie has taken residence on the dining room table, and that’s fine with me. It seats 12 so there’s still plenty of room for company. If people don’t want a cat at the table they can go somewhere else to eat. My house. My rules. 😊

August is hot and sticky down here. Every year it gets hotter and stickier. I love to sit on my rocking chairs on my front porch but last month it was impossible. I needed a spatula to get up. After 5 minutes of that I decided to hunker down in the air conditioning and watch my fur-family destroy whatever is in their path. Gotta love ‘em.

Big book news:  No Way Out is on The New York Times Best Seller List; Secrets (Book 2 in the Lost and Found Series starring Luna and Cullen Bodman) will be on sale the end of this month; The Guest List and The Marriage Game are being reissued in August and September with spectacular new covers! I’ll save the fall announcements for next month!

It is hard to imagine school will be starting in some states at the end of this month, so the weekends are precious and there is nothing better than a good family dinner, especially a traditional Southern dinner. I wrote about this last year, but it’s worth repeating. Many people turn up their noses to collard greens—I for one, am one of those people—but this is made with bacon. Everything is better with bacon. (I wonder why no one has invented bacon flavored toothpaste…oh well) As I mentioned before, this recipe comes from Ashley Fenimore, a beautiful young pharmacological oncologist who won the Charleston Magazine contest for side vegetables. Her collard greens was the winning recipe!  Ashley is one of those people who work tirelessly in search of the cure for cancer. After a long week in the lab, she relaxes by cooking with her family. Another friend Carolyn Williams gave us her family recipe for fried chicken. And of course, every Southern meal must have potato salad.

Contest stuff:  Everyone seems to be enjoying the contests for a bundle of my personal favorites so we’re going to do that again!

Enjoy the rest of the summer. Stay cool, stay well, stay safe, and most of all stay sane!

Warm regards,

July 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

Oh my goodness it’s July already!   I hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend.  Personally I spent a lot of it hiding in a large closet with the fur babies.  We had torrential rain, and clouds so black it looked like a tornado was about to hit.  Surely we are not in Kansas anymore.  The weather here in South Carolina has been all but consistent.  The only constant is change.  Kinda like life, I suppose.  But seriously, people may not want to acknowledge climate change, but guess what kids?  Climate changes every single day.  We just happen to be experiencing wide swings of it in a very short time.  Call it whatever you want but even the weather people can’t seem to get a handle on it either.  (I want that job.  Get paid lots of money and you can be wrong every single day.  Not bad.  LOL.)

The world surely seems in need of some kind of realignment.  A re-set button so to speak.  Every day there is more to fret about.  I know I’ve said I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer and I won’t.  I’m simply saying while there is a lot to fret about, we need to be strong.  We need to be Bad-Ass.  One of my favorite expressions is “Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.”  We have to pick our battles and boy oh boy do we seem to have many.  So pick the ones that mean the most to you.  Narrow it down.  Don’t be overwhelmed by the overshadowing cloud of doom.  Imagine if all of us could take a deep breath at the same time and then blow away all the evil?  Now that is what I call a fantasy.  My point is, try to stay positive.  Try to stay kind even if you want to choke the living heck out of the idiot at the head of the line at the post office who never bought a money order before.  Sorry.  Was that mean?  Thought balloons.  Like in the cartoons.  Sometimes I laugh out loud at what’s going through my head and then everyone around me takes a few steps back.  Gives me a little more elbow room.  Ha! Ha!

I am happy to report the latest paperback release NO WAY OUT is # 9 on the NEW YORK TIMES Best Seller List, and I thank all of you for your support.  I cannot tell you how much it means to me that after all the years I’ve been writing, I can still reach people’s hearts, minds, and souls.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Speaking of paperback releases and being a shameless self-promoter (if you know me personally you know that’s a big fat lie.  I have people pushing me all the time 😊),  the second installment of the Lost and Found series SECRETS, starring Luna Bodman and her brother Cullen will be out in six weeks.  So we are going to make that part of this months’ contest.  A bundle of my favorites including HIDDEN the first book in the series, just in case you haven’t started it yet.  I am truly enjoying writing it.  It’s set in the atmosphere of an art center and the eccentric people who inhabit it.  There’s mystery, romance, friendships, twists, and turns.

For the dog days of August I suggest lots of watermelon, sweet tea, ice cream, hot dogs, and corn on the cob, and not necessarily in that order!  Eat what you want, and when you want!


June 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

June is busting out all over and so are the magnolias, roses, gardenias, hydrangeas, and some curious mushrooms.  Those I would not trust to eat, but they sure are interesting looking.

I hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day and Memorial Weekend.  Sadly there seems to be more people to keep in our prayers every month.  It’s important to be thankful for the blessings in our lives even if it’s only having a day with no drama!

Hard to believe we are almost halfway through 2022.  Let’s hope things start to improve soon.  It’s been a heck of a couple of years and none of us are getting any younger!  Try to stay healthy so when the world finally regains balance, we’ll be around to appreciate it!  Geeze.

We have several holidays this month starting with Flag Day on June 14th.  Let’s join together and show our patriotism for our country regardless of politics.  On June 19th we have Father’s Day, so remember to honor your Dad whether he’s still with you or not.  Chances are if he’s not, he’s still keeping an eye on you.

The summer solstice is on June 21st which marks the beginning of summer and the longest day of the year when the sun is at its highest,  most northern point in the Northern Hemisphere.  At the same time, it is the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.  That’s today’s astronomy lesson.

On to my animal kingdom.  My cat Winnie has decided to make my dining room table his/her new permanent residence.  I know, I know.  How appalling.  Not really.  I have a big table and he/she takes up very little room.  Yes, it seems like I’ve turned into a “Crazy Cat Lady!”  By the way, I’m not intentionally being politically correct with the pronouns because when Winnie first showed up, I thought it was a she so I named her Winnie.  When he/she finally was tame enough to be an indoor cat, the vet gave me the surprising news that Winnie was a “he.”    So now I tell people Winnie is short for Winston.

Oliver the Owl is still trying to cajole Olivia into some kind of tet-a-tete, but she won’t have anything to do with him; and he’s keeping everyone awake with his longing.  Typical male.  Ignore them and they  keep coming back!  Fred, the woodpecker taps out his annoyance with them all day long.  I have to admit it sure beats hearing the sounds of horns and sirens!

I’m excited to announce the paperback edition of No Way Out is now available.  As I mentioned last month, a few comments were, “it ended too soon” and “what happened to Elle/Libby?”  The next sisterhood book, Tick Tock will see the return of Libby, and a few characters from Hidden (Book One of The Lost and Found Series) will also make an appearance.  I hope you become as attached to these characters as I have.

Last month’s contest saw a record number of entries.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I think we should reprise that with another bundle of my favorites including No Way Out.

A few more things.  June is cataract awareness month.  Take it from me, if your doctor tells you to have them removed, please listen and take action.  Waiting too long can cause serious vision issues.  It’s also National Adopt a Cat Month; and let’s not forget National Accordion Awareness Month.  Polka anyone?  LOL.

Thanks for visiting.  Hope you come on by again soon.  Be safe, be well, be kind.


May 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Here we are in the month of May.  Did you ever wonder why they call it “The Merry Month of May?”  It would be reasonable to assume it’s because winter is in the rear-view mirror and flowers are in bloom.  And that, my friends, is not far off.  It’s a poem from a play The Shoemaker’s Holiday written by Thomas Dekker (circa 1590) an Elizabethan poet and pamphleteer.  It was first performed in 1599 by The Admirals Men, also known as The Earl of Nottingham’s Men, considered one of the most important acting troupes of The English Renaissance Theatre.  The play depicts everyday life during the reign of King Henry VI.   Here’s the first verse:

O the month of May, the merry month of May,
So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green!
O, and then did I unto my true love say:
“Sweet Peg, thou shalt be my summer’s queen!

One of the lines mentions “Kiss and Toy” so I’ll just leave the rest to your imagination.  But isn’t it nice to know there was real heated romance way back when?  I guess they don’t call some of the more current romance novels “Boddice Rippers” for nothing!

Getting back to this month.  Mother’s Day is coming.  Do something nice for your mother if she is still here.  And if she isn’t, light a candle and say a prayer.  A mother’s love never dies.  And nobody’s perfect.

I have a few additions to my wildlife family.  An owl named Oliver keeps trying to seduce his girlfriend, Olivia all through the night.  He keeps calling her and she answers but she’s playing hard to get.  Then there’s my new alarm clock, Fred the woodpecker.  He’s up at the crack of dawn doing his jack-hammer thing all day long.

On to book news:  A new anthology has just been released called In Bloom.  It’s a collection of three stories, one by me (Amazing Gracie,) Carolyn Brown (The Mother’s Day Crown), and Lori Foster (Meant to Be.) They are novellas about family and motherhood that will make a wonderful gift and introduce readers to new authors.

Next month the paperback edition of No Way Out will be available.  Some of the comments from the hardcover were “it ended too soon” and “what happened to Elle/Libby?”  It makes me happy when people become attached to the characters so in a forthcoming Sisterhood Novel, Tick Tock we will see the return of Libby, and a few characters from Hidden (Book One of The Lost and Found Series) will also make an appearance.  Many children have imaginary friends and so do I.  LOL.

One more VERY important thing, and VERY close to my heart:  May is National Pet Adoption Month.  Please think about our  furry friends and help give one a furr-ever home.

This month’s contest will be a bundle of my recent favorites including In Bloom.

Thanks for visiting.  Hope you come on by again soon.  Be safe, be well, be kind.


April 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

Just when you thought things were going to get back to some semblance of normal (even though it seems harder to figure out exactly what “normal” is), people are still losing their homes, livelihood, and their loved ones in Ukraine.  I know the situation is bad for a lot of people all around the world, and my heart breaks every time I turn on the news.  When did we become so uncivilized?  Makes me want to cry.  But I am not going to be a Debbie-Downer and ask that we take a moment to send positive thoughts throughout the world and spread as much loving light as possible.  So remember, when someone at the grocery store is getting on your one last nerve, be thankful.  Be thankful you can put on your pants, shoes, and be able to move about freely.   Never take anything for granted.

According to the calendar it’s officially Spring.  But where?  Even the seasons are a mess.  Many of my beautiful blooms were killed by a frost a week ago, and it’s South Carolina.  I enjoy gardening and it pains me to see lovely azaleas and camellias wilt on the vine.  I hope your gardening efforts are more fruitful.  I may start planting artificial flowers outside.  Just kidding.

This month we have Easter.  Time to color eggs and stuff our faces with chocolate bunnies.  Did you ever wonder how eggs became associated with Easter?  It’s a symbol of new life.  Jesus reborn.  BTW, jelly beans are a symbol of the egg.

Now what about bunnies?  It’s still a bit of a mystery, but it’s thought that since they are prolific little creatures they represent fertility, and fertility is associated with Spring; and it was originated by the Germans who brought the tradition to America in the 1700’s.

Chocolate?  Sometime around 1890, a gentleman named Robert Strohecker made a 5 feet tall chocolate bunny to promote Easter in his drug store in Pennsylvania.  And there you have it!  You will be the best trivia person at the dinner table.

As I mentioned last month, Fear Thy Neighbor, a stand-alone hardcover will be available first week of April.  It’s about a woman, Alison Marshall, who is looking for a place to call home.  She finds something that seems to be is everything she hoped.  But as days turn into weeks, she uncovers a dark side to this supposedly peaceful haven, but something clandestine is lurking among the locals, and once Alison discovers what it is, she faces a stark choice.  It’s intriguing and suspenseful and I don’t want to give any more details away.

We received a lot of entries in last month’s contest so we will be running it again for a signed copy of Fear Thy Neighbor!

Be safe, Be kind.

All the best,

March 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well.  Just when you thought things were going to lighten up, the world is faced with another challenge.  I don’t mean to be a Debbie-Downer, but my heart breaks for the people of Ukraine, and anywhere else there is tyranny and injustice.  It’s no surprise aliens don’t want to come here.  Too bad they can’t pick up all the bad guys and whisk them off the planet.  Maybe I should start writing science fiction.  Ha.  Ha.  I have often said if women ruled the world, we wouldn’t have any of this fighting.  Ok.  Maybe a little hair-pulling but women still have a nurturing instinct, at least for now.  So let’s pray – however and to whomever you pray – we can find peaceful coexistence.

They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  This year it’s more like a rollercoaster.  One day it’s 70 degrees, the next it’s hovering around 30.  Yep, everything is off kilter, so we need to try even harder to keep our balance.  In a very short time we will see daffodils, tulips, and forsythia’s in bloom bringing us a sense of hope.  I hope!

Next month we have Easter.  Last year I told you how we arrive at Easter Sunday.  Here’s a refresher:

It is the FIRST Sunday after the FIRST Full Moon AFTER the Equinox (equal hours of daylight and dark).  Follow me with the math.  This year The Equinox is March 20th.  The first full moon after the Equinox is April 16.  The first Sunday after that is April 17th.  Voila!  Passover is also on its own calendar and this year it’s the weekend of Easter.  God sure works in mysterious ways.

For book news:  19 Yellow Moon Road is # 9 on the New York Times Best Seller List!

Fear Thy Neighbor, a stand-alone hardcover will be available first week of April.  It’s about a woman, Alison Marshall, who is looking for a place to call home.  She finds a something that seems to be is everything she hoped.  But as days turn into weeks, she uncovers a dark side to this supposedly peaceful haven, but something clandestine is lurking among the locals, and once Alison discovers what it is, she faces a stark choice.  It’s intriguing and suspenseful and I don’t want to give any more details away.  SO…

This months’ contest is a signed copy Fear Thy Neighbor!

I am working on a new novel for next year.  It’s about a chef, a mysterious illness, and a secret past.  While I was writing it, I came across some recipes that I am going to share with you now.

Be well, be safe!  Take care of yourself.

All the best,

February 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well.  In February of 2021 I wrote about being a year into the pandemic, and now it’s two years!

Last year I wrote about Ground Hog Day and here I go again!  If you recall the movie, it’s about a cynical weatherman who gets trapped in a time loop where he keeps reliving the same day over and over again.  Sound familiar?  But there is a deep message in the story.  If you have the opportunity to do things over, what would you change?  We can’t change the past, but we can make better decisions about the future.  How’s that for an inspiring message from someone who is freezing her pantaloons off in chilly South Carolina?  If there is no such thing as global warming, someone needs to have a chat with Mother Nature because she didn’t get the memo.

Speaking of weather, we had a monster wind storm a few weeks ago that blew all my holiday decorations all over.  Saved me time from putting them away.  LOL.  Now that the Christmas ornaments are gone or packed, I wonder what the cats will destroy this month.

It seems the month of January flew by.  I hear a lot of people saying it’s as if time is moving faster.  It’s true the solar system is hurdling through space, but I wish it were more like the wind blowing through your hair as you tour a stunning countryside in your fabulous Lamborghini, or the sports car of your choice.  Or, perhaps riding on a beautiful horse through hills and valleys.  Just thinking about that kind of freedom makes me feel better.  Even if it’s only for a few minutes.  A-ha!  Maybe I should think about such things more often.  They say 1 minute a day of deep breathing and visualizing something beautiful can lower your blood pressure.  I’m all for that!

We have Valentine’s Day coming up.   I already told the cats “white chocolate, please.”  I leave empty wrappers around to drop hints.  Kidding.  But do you remember those little dye-cut cards we’d send each other in grammar school?  In some ways it was cute, in others it was cruel if you weren’t the recipient of any.  I had a teacher who put everyone’s name in a hat and each kid picked a name.  This way everyone would get at least one card!

And now I am going to do another Ground Hog Day paragraph, because it’s still important to remember.  If no one buys you candy this year, buy some for yourself.  Or buy yourself a new purse.  Treat yourself to something.  Even if it’s simply a walk in a park away from everyone who keeps asking you to do stuff.  We shouldn’t have to wait for other people to do something nice for us.  I am sure most of you have had your hands full for way too long.  A little retail therapy works wonders.  Even if it’s just a new lipstick.

For book news:  19 Yellow Moon Road is # 9 on the New York Times Best Seller List!  I am agape and agog.  This is book # 33 in the series.  I never thought it would have so much traction.  Honestly!  I started writing it because it was the only way I could met out justice in our mixed up world.  I guess a lot of people feel the same way.  It’s so gratifying to see justice served.

This months’ contest is a signed copy of  a new edition of  Southern Comfort in a new format with a new cover.

Be well, be safe!  Take care of yourself.

All the best,

January 2022 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

This is what I wrote a year ago:

Let me start with wishing everyone a happy, healthy, stress-less 2021.  If you feel like you’ve been living in the spin-cycle of the washing machine, you are not alone.  2020 was a year where you wanted to hide under the bed as we were bombarded with bad news on a daily basis.  So, for this new year’s resolution let’s “resolve” to be strong and kind.  I know it’s hard to be pleasant when your life is in chaos,  but remember you are not alone.  We are all going through this together, even if we are apart.  Hang in there.  I truly believe better days are ahead.

It  doesn’t seem like much has changed, eh?   Feels like life is a hamster wheel or a recurring nightmare.  All I can say is the same things I said before.  Be strong.  Be kind.  Have faith.  And yes, I still believe we can get back to an old normal, because this new normal is kind of stinky.

The cats managed to mangle a few Christmas trees.  They think ornaments are toys.  Next year I may invest in rubber ornaments if they make them.  If they don’t, then someone should!  Based on the stories I heard, most pet owners would buy them for sure!

Once again I want to thank you for all your support last year and the years before.  Your kind words on social media mean a lot to me.  I’m not a big fan of social media because too many people use it in negative ways, so I greatly appreciate positive feedback and spreading a little cheer.

Time to talk books. For those of you who are Sisterhood fans, 19 Yellow Moon Road is on sale now.   If you haven’t read any of the previous books in the series, have no fear.  There is a lot of back story so you don’t have to start at the beginning of the series. This one was interesting to write because it deals with a very wealthy man who lures young women into a sex slave enterprise.  Sound familiar?  The subject has been in the news lately.  Sometimes I scare myself when I write about things that eventually happen.  Believe me, I do not claim to have any psychic abilities whatsoever.  It just seems to occur from time to time. Too bad I can’t do that with the lottery!  So this month’s contest will be a signed copy of 19 Yellow Moon Road.

No matter where you live, the weather seems to be unpredictable.  We’ve had temperature swings from 65 to 35 degrees in two days.  I worry about the trees and the plants.  They have no idea what’s going on.  Come to think of it, it seems like the weather has the meteorologists perplexed as well.

Let’s hang on to our hats, coats, and pantaloons and face the New Year with as much gusto as possible.  To help with that I am including some comfort food to fuel your soul.

Be well, be safe.  Be kind.  Have fun.

All the best,


December 2021 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Looking back I think I’m having Déjà vu all over again.  People are still arguing about masks, but this year we can add vaccines to the mix.  And now they’ve given us one more thing (Omicron) to fuel our angst. How about this:  Dear Santa, Can You Please Give Me Some Peace? Honestly I think everyone could use a big dose of it.

So here we are riding the rollercoaster of the holidays and it’s enough to make you queasy.  Yes.  Let’s all admit it.  Neither you nor I are Super Heroes.  We can only do what we can do without doing bodily harm to ourselves, or that jerk in front of you in line at the store.  Ha. Ha.  I recall discussing “thought balloons” like they have in comic books.  The words that are in puffy-looking clouds.  So when someone starts to get on your one last nerve, imagine them getting hit in the face with a cow-pie!  You’ll probably laugh out loud at the image, and everyone around you will think you’re cuckoo and will get out of your way.  See?  Imagination  can be used in many ways.

I trust most people got through Thanksgiving.  I’ve been hearing that it was mellow for most—everyone is crispy around the edges.  But I did hear of a few skirmishes where people were asked to leave.  And that’s really too bad.  I wish we could flip a switch and have people simply be nice.  I feel like a broken record, but remember Kindness Doesn’t Cost a Thing…Be Generous.  You can really make someone’s day with a smile or a compliment.  But keep the compliments down to something safe like “Nice nail polish”  or “cool sweater.” People are very touchy so inanimate objects are your best bet.

I’d like to offer an idea if you are throwing a holiday party.  Ask your guests—instead of bringing wine, candy, cake, or cookies, etc.—bring an unwrapped gift for a kid, and donate them to Toys for Tots or a local charity.  Another idea is to ask them to bring imperishable food items [canned goods, rice, pasta, baby food] and donate them to the local food pantry.  It takes the pressure off your guests, you don’t end up with six fruit cakes, and everyone can feel good about doing a little something for someone in need.

Last year I said to hang in there and we had come a long way, and I was looking forward to 2021.  While it may not feel this way, 2021 was a little better, but it sure has been a long haul.  Take care of yourself and others.  Just be sure you put your oxygen mask on first!  Nothing is more important than good health and a good frame of mind.  They go hand in hand.  So if anyone tries to rattle your cage make up a thought balloon.

I say this every year…For those of you who have been following me, you know I go all out for Christmas decorations.  Check out the photos of my house and all the sparkle, shimmer, glitter, ornaments, foliage, swags and bows.  Martha Stewart would have a seizure if she came to my house!

Once again I must mention my cats.  They are little maniacs.  They think I had the house decorated just for them and it’s their own personal amusement park!  They are having lots of fun wrecking the place.

Before I sign off, I want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and reviews for Santa Cruise. People needed a little escape.

I hope you are not disappointed,  but we are not going to run a contest this month.  The elves have a lot on their to-do list and I don’t want to overwhelm them.  Next month we will be running a contest for signed copies of the next new Sisterhood novel, 19 Yellow Moon Road.  All I will say about it is there’s a very rich man who owns a very private estate in the Caribbean and he “procures” women from a religious cult for sexual entertainment for equally international wealthy men.  Coincidently there is a woman on trial right now for aiding and abetting such a person, who allegedly committed suicide while he was in jail.  Considering I wrote the book over a year ago I think it’s rather timely.  Or, as my friend would say, “woo-woo!”

Have a happy, healthy, sane, holiday and a sane, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you and everyone who you wish the same.
