March 2025 Monthly Letter

Hello Friends,

Every month I am thrown for a loop at how fast time passes by. There is one good thing about it, and that’s because Spring is around the corner. I only hope the weather has checked the calendar. It’s been a very crazy winter for everyone.

The fur family is doing just fine, and I still haven’t figured out who is unraveling the toilet paper. People who aren’t pet owners don’t understand how I can find something like that funny. They are missing out on unconditional love, and entertainment. Let’s face it, hitting the TV remote in the middle of the night, or turning on the faucet isn’t criminal behavior. I’m thrilled I have such ingenious animals. Sometimes I think they are smarter than I am. Afterall, I do all the work. And I don’t mind one bit.

I also want to remind you about cyber security. There is an enormous amount of scams and spam flooding the internet, even more than usual. It’s tax season and a great opportunity for people to steal your money. Speaking of such things, I also want to remind you that there is no cost to enter our contests. If you see “YOU HAVE WON” in the subject line, DO NOT OPEN IT. The winner notifications come directly from me from my personal email.

On to more fun things. I am thrilled to announce Backwater Justice made it to # 5 on The New York Times Best Seller List. It blows my mind that we are on book #36 in The Sisterhood and, so far, every one of them has hit the list. So, thank you for your readership, your emails, and your posts.

Speaking of publishing, I am about to give you some behind-the-scenes insight into the book business. It’s the last word in the previous sentence that people seem to forget, or don’t consider books a business. I won’t go into all the boring things like profit margins, linear feet, ROI. Over the past couple of years, mass-market paperback books have not been selling well, as far as number of units that go through the cash register. Because of this, many of the large, big-box stores will not be purchasing that format. As a result of that decision, many publishers are opting to move the titles that would have been scheduled for mass market, into Trade Paperbacks, the larger version, which the big box stores are willing to carry. This will begin to take place toward the end of the year and by 2026, our favorite “pocketbooks” will no longer be available. The main reason I am telling you this is because I don’t want you to be shocked when you go into Walmart or Target and see my books are a different size, and of course, a higher price point. Believe me, this was not my decision. However there is some good news in this. The next Christmas book, Santa’s Holiday Spectacular will be offered in trade and hardcover simultaneously, so you can buy more copies for gifts. 😊

My next hardcover Fight or Flight will be on sale March 25th, and Plain Jane and Fast Track will be coming out again in new packaging. I must say, the art department did a bang-up job with the covers.

Now on to some sad news. The Lost and Found Series, starring Luna and Cullen Bodman and the colorful artists of Stillwell Art Center has ended. I was delighted by your notes and comments and appreciate them very much, but my publisher encouraged me to start a new series. This one is called Twin Lights Series with the first book, Smuggler’s Cove coming this summer.

All the best,

February 2025 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well. I don’t know about where you live, but snow? In South Carolina? And New Orleans, and Florida? I shouldn’t be having trouble finding another word for “crazy” but it sure is! I suppose if you’ve never experienced snow, it could be a new adventure…if you’re in the third grade! As much as I think it can be beautiful as the white puffs lounge among the branches, I’d rather not have to deal with it. Shoveling and scraping ice off the car isn’t my idea of fun. I’m glad I have my kids who can find other kids to do it. LOL.

February brings us Ground Hog Day, which dates back to the 1800’s. From what I heard, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, while Staten Island Chuck predicts an early Spring. Phil’s prognostications have been accurate only 30% in the past ten years, so my money is on Chuck. Besides, New Yorkers are tough and don’t mess around. Ha.

We also have Valentine’s Day this month, and I have mixed feelings. As a writer of romance novels, I am sometimes ambivalent about it. I know that sounds contrary, but the reason I write those types of novels is because it’s the kind of romantic experience we wish we can have. And who says we can’t? If no one buys you candy this year, buy some for yourself. Or buy yourself a new purse. Something to treat yourself.  We shouldn’t have to wait for other people to do something nice for us. If you’re single, especially female, gather up your gal-pals and celebrate Galentine’s Day, and celebrate your friendship! Kind of like The Sisterhood.

There is also the festival for the Lunar New Year, which has been observed for over three millennia, as in thousands. One legend is about a beast named Nian who was believed to feast on humans. But Nian feared loud noises, fire and the color red, hence the invention of fireworks by the Chinese. Those were this month’s cultural and historical tidbits.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Be well. Be safe. Be kind. Be good to yourself.

All the best,

January 2025 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

Let me start with wishing everyone a happy, healthy, less-stress 2025. It’s been a few tumultuous years, so before we begin, I’d like to ask you to stop for a few seconds, take a long inhale, then exhale any left-over angst from last year. Now, take another slow, deep breath and imagine the air is filled with blessings. Better? I hope so. For years I’ve been looking for ways to let some of the stress go. One way to do it is to prioritize your worries, by shedding the little things. Believe me, so much of it are the little things, and a lot of it is worrying about what someone else thinks of us. If they are your friend, they will think good thoughts. Okay so maybe once in a while you get on each other’s nerves, or you want to tell them that their overuse of the word “like” is bugging the pants off you, which I can tell you, drives me absolutely nuts! Is it perfectly fine when you are using it to describe enjoyment, or a simile, but every other word? Imagine if we substituted another word, for example (notice I didn’t use the word “like” but it would have been appropriate LOL) how about the word “duh?” I’m laughing just thinking about it.

Getting back to the new year. How about we resolve to be strong and kind, to each other, and to ourselves? I’m not trying to be Pollyanna. I know it’s hard to be pleasant when your life is in chaos, but remember you are not alone. Most people are going through something, even if it’s trying to find that one darn missing sock. Hang in there. I honestly believe better days are ahead. That was my message last January, and the January before. All I can say is the same things I said before. Be strong. Be kind. Have Faith.

The cats managed to mangle a few Christmas trees. They think ornaments are toys. Next year I may invest in rubber ornaments if they make them. If they don’t then someone should! Based on the stories I’ve heard; most pet owners would buy them for sure!

Once again I want to thank you for all your support last year and the years before. Your kind words on social media mean a lot to me. I’m not a big fan of social media because too many people use it in negative ways so I greatly appreciate positive feedback and spreading a little cheer.

Time to talk books. For those of you who are Sisterhood fans, the paperback edition of Backwater Justice is on sale now. If you haven’t read any of the previous books in the series have no fear. There is a lot of back story so you don’t have to start at the beginning of the series. I try to do that with each new installment, speaking of which, this one is #36 of the Sisterhood series. I am incredibly happy that people continue to enjoy the quest for justice, by women! The story revolves around the enormously powerful Spangler family in the Pacific Northwest who lord over the lumber industry. When two young girls go missing and suspicion points at them, the patriarch phones his dear friend Myra to help in the search. But within the confines of the corporation, many other secrets are discovered, not the least of which is the trafficking of fentanyl as far south as Mexico to the Canadian border. It’s quite topical, if I say so myself, considering I wrote it over a year ago.

Sometimes I scare myself when I write about things that eventually happen. Believe me, I do not claim to have any psychic abilities whatsoever. It just seems to occur from time to time. Too bad I can’t do that with the lottery!

No matter where you live, the weather seems to be unpredictable. We’ve had temperature swings from 65 to 35 degrees in two days. I worry about the trees and the plants. They have no idea what’s going on. Come to think of it, it seems like the weather has the meteorologists perplexed as well.

Let’s hang on to our hats, coats, and pantaloons and face the New Year with as much gusto as possible. To help with that, I am including some comfort food recipes to fuel your soul including easy slow cooker yummies.

Be well, be safe. Be kind. Have fun.
All the best,

December 2024 Monthly Letter

Hello again.

Seems like Santa is on the fast track this year, and so is everybody else.  Over 80 million people traveled this Thanksgiving, and they anticipate 115 million will travel for Christmas, which is just over two weeks away. That’s a lot of moving parts!

One thing I don’t have to do now is decorate. They went up right after Halloween. I know I mentioned that The Ornament Police will issue a summons and drop a chunk of black coal on your doorstep if you’re not sparkly and bright.  It’s a “thing” in the South. I go overboard too. I have thousands of lights in all colors; some are blinking, others are twinkling, and flood lights shine an outline of Santa in the tree.  I have life-size reindeer in the front, and the gates are trimmed with garland and wreaths. There are a few photos on the site.  It gives me much pleasure to know that a passersby can enjoy the magic of Christmas even for a moment.

Speaking of the Magic of Christmas.: It’s a time to review, renew, and reconnect. It’s also a time to reflect. Find the joy.  We might have to look a little deeper from time to time, but it’s there. Trust me. Reflection is good for the soul, and right now, so is a warm blanket. It has been C-O-L-D.  Got to put my long-johns on!

I moved to South Carolina to stay warm.  But my kids enjoy the cold. They love to ski.  Me?  No, thank you. Never tried it, never will. I don’t understand why you would want strap your feet to planks that are longer than your own height, and then go careening down the side of a mountain in the cold, cold snow. Give me a fireplace and an easy chair, that soft blanket, and a book.

It’s a stressful time, so be kind to yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed you kindly excuse yourself, and say “Thank you so much, but I have other commitments.” Like a warm hot bath, and a nap. Being a people pleaser 24/7 isn’t good for anyone’s health.  I’ve reminded you several times, when you are on a plane, the flight attendant says: “Put your oxygen mask on first.” You can’t help other people if you’re a hot mess. Be gracious and kind to everyone, including you, if I haven’t already said it enough! 😊

Lots of book news to share.  Santa’s Secret is on the shelves, the third book starring four friends Frankie, Nina, Amy and Rachael who take fun-filled holiday vacations each year.  Also out now are paperback editions of Santa Cruise, and Santa & Company.

There is also a special e-book release of A Christmas Homecoming, the novella that was adapted into a Hallmark movie, called Unlocking Christmas. People keep asking why they changed the name. Hallmark had another film called A Christmas Homecoming and they didn’t want the audience to be confused.  The movie is being aired on the Hallmark Mystery Channel from now until the end of the year.

Tis the season to celebrate the release of the next Sisterhood book, Backwater Justice on December 24th.  The Sisterhood find themselves in the Pacific Northwest where young women have gone missing and there are some shady deals involving a very wealthy and powerful family.  It’s book 36 in The Sisterhood.  The longevity of this series is amazing.  Goes to show you women like the satisfaction of seeing justice done, and to celebrate we are having a big Sisterhood contest, an extension from last month.

Enter to win a large collection of at least 30 books (yes, 30!) from the series. Contest ends December 15. Good for gifting, or good for you!

I am including a lot of recipes this month because holidays are a wonderful reason to share a meal.

Be well.  Be Safe.  Take care of yourself and have a peaceful, wonderful, magical holiday. And a sane, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Warmest wishes,

P.S.  Now we wait and see how long it will take before my little fur family decides the ornaments are their new toys, or any one of the trees looks good for climbing.

November 2024 Monthly Letter

Hello everyone!

It’s November! Time flies when you’re having fun…and even if you’re not.
It just doesn’t seem fair! All we can do is to do our best, even if we’re too pooped to pop.
I hope Halloween brought you more treats than tricks and now Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Remember to focus on those two words: Thanks and Giving, especially with the holidays looming around the corner.

It seems as if a lot of people have been going through rough times lately. Someone told me it is an astrological thing and the planets are supposed to be realigning soon. One can hope.
Regardless of your beliefs whether traditional or metaphysical, I say as long as you can get out of bed and put your pants on you are ahead of the game! I don’t mean to be sassy—just something to think about.

That being said, I ask that you do one kind thing each day. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Something simple will do, like saying “good morning” to someone you pass on the sidewalk or open the door for someone. Give a total stranger a compliment “Oh, I like your shoes!” or “Nice handbag!” It will make their day, and as a result, it will also make yours.
I know life is very frustrating right now, but if everyone makes a small effort to be nice to one and other, I truly believe we can become more civil and kinder, which will truly shift the energy in a more positive direction. Look at me getting all metaphysical. LOL.
I say this now because as we approach the holidays people are going to be even more stressed, and wrapped up in their own issues, and more likely their phone. So, before you blow a gasket take a deep breath. Then take another one.

Now I shall step off my soapbox and talk about our two contests for November and early December and the latest book news:
The girls are back with a fun adventure in Italy for the holidays. There are a few recipes and the menu for Christmas Eve dinner. Travel with Frankie, Amy, Rachael, and Nina as they go rollicking through the hills and along the Amalfi Coast in Santa’s Secret. This contest continues from last month and will run until November 15. It features a grand prize that includes three hardcovers starring the gals from Santa’s Crew: Santa Cruise, Santa & Company, and the latest novel, Santa’s Secret. But that’s not all, folks! It will also consist of a bundle of holiday favorites: Holly and Ivy, No Place Like Home, Falling Stars, Spirit of the Season, and these wonderful anthologies: The Most Wonderful Time, Silver Bells, Winter Wishes, and Making Spirits Bright.

Tis the season to celebrate the release of the next Sisterhood book, Backwater Justice on December 24th. Enter to win a large collection of at least 30 books (yes, 30!) from the series. Contest ends December 15. Good for gifting, or good for you!

Have a wonderful THANKSGIVING!

October 2024 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting my website.  For those of you who were impacted by Helene, my thoughts for healing and recovery are with you. The devastation is unimaginable, and my heart breaks with each photo.

Here we are in October. Time to start preparing for the holidays. I know. I know. We haven’t gotten through Halloween yet, but time goes by Lickety split so don’t get caught without your knickers. Plan ahead. Make lists, especially those for naughty or nice, and focus on the nice. Be cordial to those who haven’t been kind to you this past year, but don’t tie yourself up in knots worrying about them. Whenever I find myself tossing and turning and thinking about people who have been rude or uncaring, I stop myself and ask, “Mary, do you think they’re losing sleep over you?” The answer is usually a resounding, “I doubt it.” Then I turn over―if the fur-kids aren’t in the way―and get some sleep. I repeat: focus on the good people in your life. Yes, there will be cranky people you encounter every day. Smile, say hello, compliment their shoes, handbag. Something. Anything. You’ll both feel better.  My point is, no matter how much you want to smack the snot out of someone, take a minute and think about the outcome you want.  Peace or fisticuffs? And that’s today’s lesson in tolerance.  It ain’t easy.  Try to be patient.

On to fun stuff.  I am happy to say SANTA’S SECRET is now on-sale. It’s a panorama of Italy during the holidays with lots of food and fun. It even includes recipes and a menu for an authentic Italian Christmas Eve dinner. Can you tell I’m a big fan of the cuisine?

The kitty patrol is up to their usual tricks. Mz. Boo keeps turning on the TV in the middle of the night.  I have to remember to hide the remote, except I forget where I put it.  Need to leave a post it, but I’m sure Mz. Boo will figure out a way to hide that too!

Halloween is in a few weeks and we surely need a few treats.  For the bakers I want to revisit a wonderful seasonal pie, courtesy of Heidi Dugan, and comfort food recipes.

Now for some contest news! Since the holidays are in the not-so-distant future, we are going to help you with your Christmas shopping. This contest will run until November 15 and features a grand prize that includes three hardcovers starring the gals from Santa’s Crew:  Santa Cruise, Santa & Company, and the latest novel, Santa’s Secret. But that’s not all, folks! It will also consist of a bundle of holiday favorites: Holly and Ivy, No Place Like Home, Falling Stars, Spirit of the Season, and these wonderful anthologies: The Most Wonderful Time, Silver Bells, Winter Wishes, and Making Spirits Bright. That’s a lot of Christmas presents, if you don’t keep them for yourself. LOL.

We are also going to spread a little more holiday cheer and have two second place winners, who each will receive a copy of Santa’s Secret.

Happy reading and Happy Holidaze.
Be well, be safe, be kind.

All the best,

September 2024 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Hello! Didn’t we just go through turning the calendar five minutes ago?

Did you know the term “Time flies” is from an ancient Roman poet named Virgil?  He wrote an epic poem Georgics, where the famous line “tempus fugit” appears. It was originally written in Latin sometime around 29BC and is translated to “time flies.”  More fodder for fans of trivia.  😊

Even though it’s early September we still have some hot weather ahead, especially if you’re in the South.  And, I don’t have to tell you how hot it’s been this summer. Phoenix broke their own heat-wave record of 100 days over 100 degrees! I don’t know about you, but when the temperature is about to burst the thermometer, I don’t feel too much like cooking so I will share some easy recipes besides digging into a carton of ice cream.

Kids are going back to school, and I am sure there are mothers and fathers out there who are doing cartwheels!   The month of September also brings the Autumn Equinox, when we have an equal number of hours for daylight and night. Equinox=Equal.  Days will be getting shorter until December 22 when we will experience the shortest amount of sunlight for one day, and then the brightness begins to return.  Nature is a remarkable thing.  There’s also a lot going on in the night sky. If you live in an area that isn’t polluted with a lot of light, you can easily see the planet Jupiter. More trivia.

The cats are still running my life and I am very happy about it, and so is Harvey.   He thinks they belong to him.   If you don’t have a pet you don’t know what you’re missing.  I’m serious.  There have been countless articles about the therapeutic value of having a pet, particularly the unconditional love they give you. They also give you a purpose, even if it means cleaning up after they decided to mangle an entire roll of toilet paper and drag it through the hall.

On to book news. I’m proud to announce ON THE LINE made the New York Times Best Seller list, on the heels of TINY BLESSINGS. I am so very grateful to all of you who have supported my books. PROOF, the fourth novel in the Lost and Found Series is on sale now. While it is the last book in the series, I like to revisit my characters and have them make cameo appearances in other books, so keep an eye out for Luna and Cullen next year.

The girls from the Santa books will be returning at the end of October in SANTA’S SECRET where they find adventure in the beautiful Amalfi Coast of Italy. But before the holiday festivities, there are visits to Geneva, Switzerland where Amy’s dream of seeing the Hadron Collider (you’re going to have to read the book to find out what that is) comes to fruition. Nina visits Milan, Rachael and Randy try to stay out of trouble, while Francesca and Giovanni are on a quest to ferret out Giovanni’s mother’s secret recipe. Yes, there will be lots of food, fun, and a touch of romance. It is Italy, after all.

This month’s contest will have two winners who will receive a couple of Sisterhood novels along with the latest book in the Sisterhood series BACKWATER JUSTICE (available now at the library and will be on-sale in paperback in December), and the three books mention above ON THE LINE, PROOF, and TINY BLESSINGS.

Stay well, healthy, and strong!
All the best,
Fern Michaels

August 2024 Monthly Letter

Dear Reader,

Wait a second! Didn’t we go through turning the page of the calendar ten minutes ago? I know because it’s in my last letter. Jeepers! I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well. And here we are, once again in the “Dog Days” of summer. They technically started on July 3rd until August 11th. “Why?” you might ask. Because it has nothing to do with our furry, four legged friends, it’s because Sirius, The Dog Star, is part of the constellation Canis Major and can be seen at dusk. It’s the brightest star in the sky. This year it will be visible until August 11th. You should be able to see it without a telescope; but if you have one, enjoy the magnificent sparkling display.

Speaking of dogs and cats, I received a funny card the other day. The front is a dog asking the cat, “You know that feeling when you do something really bad and you can’t focus on anything all day because you are so embarrassed?” The cat looks up at the dog and says: “No.”

I think I’ve shared this with you before, but it’s worth repeating. Keep valuables under lock and key. My cats have broken everything in the house, and it’s just a matter of time before Mz. Boo figures out a way to pick the locks. I keep checking packages from Amazon to be sure she hasn’t ordered a locksmith kit. Now, there’s Mz. Boo’s mommy, Tessie. She can turn the TV on, and if it’s a show she likes, she’ll leave it, but if not, she’ll turn it off. She still hasn’t mastered changing the channel. Yet. She also knows how to turn on the water but still hasn’t figured out how to turn it off. It’s been a big learning curve. Quite frankly, I don’t think she cares. We discovered her favorite beverage is ginger ale. And she must drink it from a straw, just like the lady she is (as if). We are now trying to figure out how to do a blind taste-test. I’ll let you know how that turns out.

August is hot and sticky down here. Every year it gets hotter and stickier. I love to sit on my rocking chairs on my front porch, but last month it was impossible. I needed a spatula to get up. After 5 minutes of that, I decided to hunker down in the air conditioning and watch my fur-family destroy whatever is in their path. Gotta love ‘em.

Big book news: On The Line is # 8 on The New York Times Best Seller List. The library edition of Proof (Book 4 in the Lost and Found Series starring Luna and Cullen Bodman) is available now, and the paperback will be available August 20th. I am sorry to say that will be the last book in the series. ☹

Sweet Vengeance is going to be reissued with a spectacular new cover and a new format. It will be in the Trade Paperback trim size (bigger paperback). I’ll save the fall announcements for next month!

It is hard to imagine school will be starting in some states at the end of this month, so the weekends are precious and there is nothing better than a good family dinner, especially a traditional Southern dinner. I wrote about this two years ago, but it still works! Many people turn up their noses to collard greens – I for one, am one of those people – but this is made with bacon. Everything is better with bacon. (I wonder why no one has invented bacon flavored toothpaste…oh well) As I mentioned before, this recipe comes from Ashley Fenimore, a beautiful young pharmacological oncologist who won the Charleston Magazine contest for side vegetables. Her collard greens was the winning recipe!  Ashley is one of those people who work tirelessly in search of the cure for cancer. After a long week in the lab, she relaxes by cooking with her family. Another friend Carolyn Williams gave us her family recipe for fried chicken. And, of course, every Southern meal must have potato salad.

Contest stuff:  Everyone seems to be enjoying the contests for a bundle of my books so I’m going to do that again! One winner will receive a signed copy of PROOF with the complete set of the Lost and Found series.  And I am planning a special contest for the holidays.

Thanks for all your support, and kind words. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Stay cool, stay well, stay safe, and most of all stay sane!

Warm regards,

July 2024 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

Wait a second!  Didn’t we just turn a page on the calendar five minutes ago, or am I delirious from the heat? Maybe both?

Remember when talking about the weather was a safe subject?  People may not want to acknowledge climate change, but guess what kids?  The climate is changing every single day.  Call it whatever you want but it seems as if the weather people can’t seem to get a handle on it either.  From where I am sitting, I can tell you the summers are getting hotter, starting sooner, and are relentless. We used to call them “sultry,” and I could sit in my rocker on my porch and enjoy a cold bottle of Coca Cola.  Today?  Nope.  It’s close to one-hundred degrees and the humidity could steam the wrinkles out of a linen suit.

And it’s not just the weather that is extreme.  Anxiety levels are at their peak.  There seems to be a new thing to fret about every day.  My advice?  Don’t get your panties in a knot over little annoyances, like the guy at the head of the line at the drug store who wants to discuss his ingrown toenail with the pharmacist.  Use that time to think about all the things you can be grateful for, including the fact that the guy will eventually pay for his Fungi Nail and get the heck out of there.  Or, you can try thought balloons.  Like in the cartoons.  Sometimes I laugh out loud at what’s going through my head and then everyone around me takes a few steps back.  Gives me a little more elbow room.

My point is, try to stay positive, and focus on the things you can actually control.  In the words of Mark Twain, ‘Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”

Be kind even if you want to choke the living heck out of the idiot who left his shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot, or the obnoxious guy in the fancy car who just cut you off.  As long as nobody got hurt, you’re having a good day.

Often it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.  Say hello to the guy in the produce section.  Ask him what looks good this week?  Even if you don’t care, you will make him feel important, and everyone wants a taste of that: acknowledgement.  I was walking to my car the other day and a woman was walking toward me.  I said, “Good morning.”  Suddenly her face lit up and she returned the greeting.  I went on to tell her I liked her outfit (which I actually did.)  She was beaming.  I’d like to think I made her day, or at least her morning until she got behind the guy in the pharmacy.  LOL.  Pay it forward my friends.

I want to thank you for your kind words and messages.  It means the world to me that after all the years I’ve been writing, I can still reach people’s hearts, minds, and souls.  So, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

On to books.  If you haven’t read ON THE LINE yet, I hope you will give it a try.  There was a wonderful wine and food tasting to honor the paperback release, and the proceeds went to World Central Kitchen, which is ‘central” to the story.  There were lots of requests for extra copies for people to feature it in their “Little Free Library.”  Now that is definitely a thing, started by an organization with a mission to build community, inspire readers, and expand book access.  If you have the desire to find out more you can go to their website, or you can buy a kit on-line.

This month’s contest will be:
1st prize ON THE LINE and 4 additional books in tote bag; second and third prize will get a copy of ON THE LINE

Wishing you a happy and peaceful month.
All the best,

June 2024 Monthly Letter

Dear Friends,

Even though the summer hasn’t officially started, the weather has been extremely hot and steamy, although that’s not new to South Carolina.  It seems like it lasts longer and gets hotter more often, and we keep flipping the pages of the calendar much faster.  I know you know what I am talking about.  Scientists at NASA have said that our solar system is moving faster through the universe. It’s infinitesimal, yet somehow we seem to feel it.  Speaking of the spinning of the planets, I hope some of you were able to see the Northern Lights courtesy of a solar storm.  Yep.  Solar Storm.  There’ve been three so far this summer.  Makes you wonder, or better we don’t!  LOL.

Most of you know that I have become one of those “Cat Ladies.”  I refrain from inserting the word “Crazy” but give me time.  They make me laugh out loud.  I can honestly say I probably do sound like a crazy cat lady.  I love those hooligans to the moon and back.

As far as book stuff, this month’s contest will be a grand prize of signed copies of ON THE LINE, TINY BLESSINGS, HIDE & SEEK, KISS & TELL, THE WILD SIDE, all stuffed inside a canvas tote bag.  Two other winners will receive signed copies of ON THE LINE.

The paperback edition of ON THE LINE is on sale now.  It’s filled with history and contemporary themes.  You will find yourself in the midst of Pablo Escobar’s narco-terrorist reign in the 1980’s and follow a family that goes to great lengths to escape to America.  Their son becomes the new “it” chef in the New York culinary scene, but a mysterious blood infection stops him in his tracks, while dark family secrets are revealed.

That’s my news for now.  Be safe, be kind, stay cool, and have fun.

All the best,

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