Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well.  In February of 2021 I wrote about being a year into the pandemic, and now it’s two years!

Last year I wrote about Ground Hog Day and here I go again!  If you recall the movie, it’s about a cynical weatherman who gets trapped in a time loop where he keeps reliving the same day over and over again.  Sound familiar?  But there is a deep message in the story.  If you have the opportunity to do things over, what would you change?  We can’t change the past, but we can make better decisions about the future.  How’s that for an inspiring message from someone who is freezing her pantaloons off in chilly South Carolina?  If there is no such thing as global warming, someone needs to have a chat with Mother Nature because she didn’t get the memo.

Speaking of weather, we had a monster wind storm a few weeks ago that blew all my holiday decorations all over.  Saved me time from putting them away.  LOL.  Now that the Christmas ornaments are gone or packed, I wonder what the cats will destroy this month.

It seems the month of January flew by.  I hear a lot of people saying it’s as if time is moving faster.  It’s true the solar system is hurdling through space, but I wish it were more like the wind blowing through your hair as you tour a stunning countryside in your fabulous Lamborghini, or the sports car of your choice.  Or, perhaps riding on a beautiful horse through hills and valleys.  Just thinking about that kind of freedom makes me feel better.  Even if it’s only for a few minutes.  A-ha!  Maybe I should think about such things more often.  They say 1 minute a day of deep breathing and visualizing something beautiful can lower your blood pressure.  I’m all for that!

We have Valentine’s Day coming up.   I already told the cats “white chocolate, please.”  I leave empty wrappers around to drop hints.  Kidding.  But do you remember those little dye-cut cards we’d send each other in grammar school?  In some ways it was cute, in others it was cruel if you weren’t the recipient of any.  I had a teacher who put everyone’s name in a hat and each kid picked a name.  This way everyone would get at least one card!

And now I am going to do another Ground Hog Day paragraph, because it’s still important to remember.  If no one buys you candy this year, buy some for yourself.  Or buy yourself a new purse.  Treat yourself to something.  Even if it’s simply a walk in a park away from everyone who keeps asking you to do stuff.  We shouldn’t have to wait for other people to do something nice for us.  I am sure most of you have had your hands full for way too long.  A little retail therapy works wonders.  Even if it’s just a new lipstick.

For book news:  19 Yellow Moon Road is # 9 on the New York Times Best Seller List!  I am agape and agog.  This is book # 33 in the series.  I never thought it would have so much traction.  Honestly!  I started writing it because it was the only way I could met out justice in our mixed up world.  I guess a lot of people feel the same way.  It’s so gratifying to see justice served.

This months’ contest is a signed copy of  a new edition of  Southern Comfort in a new format with a new cover.

Be well, be safe!  Take care of yourself.

All the best,