Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well. I don’t know about where you live, but snow? In South Carolina? And New Orleans, and Florida? I shouldn’t be having trouble finding another word for “crazy” but it sure is! I suppose if you’ve never experienced snow, it could be a new adventure…if you’re in the third grade! As much as I think it can be beautiful as the white puffs lounge among the branches, I’d rather not have to deal with it. Shoveling and scraping ice off the car isn’t my idea of fun. I’m glad I have my kids who can find other kids to do it. LOL.

February brings us Ground Hog Day, which dates back to the 1800’s. From what I heard, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, while Staten Island Chuck predicts an early Spring. Phil’s prognostications have been accurate only 30% in the past ten years, so my money is on Chuck. Besides, New Yorkers are tough and don’t mess around. Ha.

We also have Valentine’s Day this month, and I have mixed feelings. As a writer of romance novels, I am sometimes ambivalent about it. I know that sounds contrary, but the reason I write those types of novels is because it’s the kind of romantic experience we wish we can have. And who says we can’t? If no one buys you candy this year, buy some for yourself. Or buy yourself a new purse. Something to treat yourself.  We shouldn’t have to wait for other people to do something nice for us. If you’re single, especially female, gather up your gal-pals and celebrate Galentine’s Day, and celebrate your friendship! Kind of like The Sisterhood.

There is also the festival for the Lunar New Year, which has been observed for over three millennia, as in thousands. One legend is about a beast named Nian who was believed to feast on humans. But Nian feared loud noises, fire and the color red, hence the invention of fireworks by the Chinese. Those were this month’s cultural and historical tidbits.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Be well. Be safe. Be kind. Be good to yourself.

All the best,