Dear Reader,
2020 sure has been one heck of a ride. As we approach the holidays many of us will add more loops and dips to this rollercoaster of a year. From trying to figure out where to go, who to visit, and what to buy, the stress can be overwhelming. You made it this far. You got through Thanksgiving. A few more weeks and we’ll be on to a New Year. I, for one, will be glad to see 2020 fading into the distance of my rear view mirror. But please continue to keep safety in mind. Wearing a mask. No fun. Being separated from family. No fun. Well, maybe for some. Everyone has one crazy relative. Just think, you won’t have to spend it with them this year! Yes, the holidays can throw you for a loop. Keep your balance.
As I mentioned in last month’s letter, if you’re on edge try to downshift your anxiety. If nothing else COVID19 has forced us to re-evaluate our priorities. Make them count. Nothing is more important than good health and a good frame of mind. They go hand in hand. So if anyone tries to rattle your cage shrug it off if you can. We’re all trying to make it through this cluster-challenge intact.
For those of you who have been following me, you know I go all out for Christmas decorations. Check out the photos of my house and all the sparkle, shimmer, glitter, ornaments, foliage, swags and bows. Martha Stewart would have a seizure if she came to my house!
Once again I must mention my cats. They are little maniacs. They think I had the house decorated just for them and it’s their own personal amusement park! They are having lots of fun wrecking the place.
Speaking of fun we have the Hallmark Movie coming on December 13th at 10:00PM Eastern Time. The new title is Unlocking Christmas starring Taylor Cole and Steve Lund. Here is a link to see some of the photos of the shoot.
We should have a link to the actual commercial in a few days so stop back to check it out.
So remember my friends, think good thoughts, keep calm, and carry on. Be safe, be sane, and enjoy this unusual season. Let’s all bounce forward with a renewed spirit and better days ahead. Cheers!
Don’t forget to enter the contest to win a copy of the next Sisterhood Novel, Bitter Pill.
All the best,